Mirren Investment Properties


The project aims to optimise the business's operations and create an authentic and consistent digital presence. Understanding the business highlighted that it is committed to its values of leading everything with purpose and aims to help its clients achieve their goals and dreams. We committed to reflecting these intangible values in both their internal workflows and external digital presence.


  • Custom workflows
  • CRM Integration
  • Content strategy
  • Social media management

In real estate and finance, trust and authenticity are of utmost importance. We work closely with Mirren to create authentic, valuable content that positions it well among its target community. The business ranks high for high-value keywords. Social media presence and insightful articles are essential to its digital strategy.

  • Website pages for Mirren Investment Properties
  • Mirren social media images

As a process-oriented business, their main objective was to implement digital semi-automated workflows that closely mimic their processes.

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